Thursday, August 7, 2008

Mention This Blog Discount

We're conducting an experiment. Call us or visit the store and mention this blog and we'll give you a 25% discount off your next purchase: candy, auctions and clearance excluded. This includes everything, even books where this discount will take the item down to our costs!

We Rock You World!



We've just received a fabulous shipment of Cinnabar from China. For those of you looking for REAL cinnabar for Rock Medicine - this is it. For those of you wanting a cinnabar specimen, come and check them out. Some of these are really pretty.

When dealing with cinnabar always remember that mercury is refined from cinnabar, so take care!


New Shipments for Rock Medicine

In our constant attempt to get you the best quality at the best prices, we've searched and found new sources for quality gemstone rough in for Rock Medicine. This will be your gain as you can get a Master Blend for less than $40.00 as we pass the savings on to you!!!

Need Alexandrite for your blend? We now have Alexandrite rough at a reasonable price!

We also added pre-ban ivory we got from an estate.

We've added Barite and hemimorphite crystals from Montana.

All this goes to save you money - stop by or call us and we'll be glad to help you!

Rock On!

WOW - I've been bad!!! I've not posted anything for a few months.

So I'll make it up today.

We've started Rock Carving Classes. Darlene Boyd, artists and scupture, will be teaching Rock Carving Classes on the 3rd Wednesday and 3rd Saturday of each month.

We're starting with Soapstone because it's easy and inexpensive to learn with. You can do some WONDERFUL things with Soapstone. Come out an try your skills.

If you have your own tools, great. If not, we have a started set that includes a file, mask, sandpaper and piece of soapstone for $10.95 to those who register for Darlene's class (it's regularly $15.95).

The cost of the class is $25.00.

Call the store for more information at 831-623-4441.

Rock Happy!
