Friday, January 2, 2009

Wedding Time!!!

It's Wedding Time Again!

We've been supplying Rock Candy to numerous brides for wedding favors and decorations.

We have full-sized sticks and smaller demitasse sticks. We can sell them to your directly from our store or you can order them from our eBay store

Rock Medicine gaining steam

Wow - I'm suprised how many folks are interested in Rock Medicine. We're getting several calls a week for the 7 cleansers and the Master Blend. Maybe because I was such a skeptic when I first learned about Rock Medicine - but I'm intrigued by how many people are truly interested in learning more.

If you can email me with your stories, we'd like to share them with others. I start by sharing my story.

I have osteoarthritis which was getting bad. It was very hard to get up in the mornings or to sleep through the night and because of that, I was taking lots of pain medication. I decided that since there wasn't anything to be hurt by trying Rock Medicine, I would try it. Sela said to start with the 7 Cleansers, which I did. After about 3 weeks, I noticed I was sleeping better and my hands were no longer swollen so I couldn't use them in the mornings. After 4 weeks I noticed I had significantly less pain getting up in the mornings. I was doing nothing but Rock Medicine and had stopped taking pain pills.

I had to do some traveling and I didn't take the Rock Medicine with me. In about 10 days, I was in SERIOUS pain again. When I got back home, I started using the Rock Medicine again and the pain eased in about 7 days.

Since I'm a scientist, I wondered if the change was just because I was back home so I stopped taking the ROck Medicine. That pain was back in about 1 week. I started taking the rock medicine again, and after about 8 days this time, the pain was gone again.

I don't pretend to understand it, but if you can absorb bad things like lead and mercury through your skin, why not good things. I'm convinced!
