Saturday, January 12, 2008

Rock and Crystal Medicine - Bunk or Real

What a controversial topic!!! How dare I think of discussing this topic without alienating potential customers on one side of the discussion or another? Well maybe I'm silly and I'm not taking a side on whether crystals and rock medicine work or do not work - but think about these few things:

1.) We know that attitude and positive thinking significantly impact a person's health - if we are happy and positive the immune system works much better. If this is the case, then if crystals and rocks make you happy - that's a good thing.

2.) We know that light is energy and we know that different amounts of energy and light impact our moods and therefore our happiness. That's why they use natural lights in cloudy places like Seattle - to reduce Seasonal Affective Disorder believed to be impacted or possibly caused by lack of sunshine. There is an entire science of color and it's impact on a person. All medical offices and retailers know this and use it to their advantage with their patients and customers with paint colors. If crystals and rocks bring you into contact with different colors and therefore energy - and that effects your mood and makes you happy - then that can boost your immune system - that's a good thing.

So no matter what your belief system - Rock, Mineral and Crystal Collecting has the potential to be good for you if in no other way than to make you happy.

Happy Collecting!

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